Join Us
Join Us
The VPO welcomes both amateur and professional musicians. See below for more information and application details.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 38044 | King Edward RPO | Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4L9
Email Address
We are looking for players who practice regularly and have experience playing in an orchestra. To be able to play the repertoire that is typical to a VPO season, we recommend musicians have training at a university entrance equivalent level (e.g., RCM Level 8) or higher. All ages are welcome.
If you are interested in playing with the VPO, submit the form above (or email us at vancouver.philharmonic@gmail.com) with the following information:
Your instrument(s), highest level of music education completed (e.g., high school, university, RCM/ABRSM/Suzuki level, etc.), and a brief overview of your experience playing in an orchestra
If a position is not immediately available, we will add you to our substitute player list for future opportunities. Our needs are assessed on a per-concert basis throughout the season. Positions become available if the repertoire requires a large orchestra or if our regular members are absent.
Auditions for some positions may be required. New members, particularly string players, may be asked to attend a rehearsal to assess fit (if you are right for us and if we are right for you!).
The VPO is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization and membership fees are essential to supporting our annual operational costs. Regular Member fees are payable at the beginning of each season and include the benefits of a guaranteed seat for each concert as well as first priority when registering to join for the following season. Occasional/substitute players pay a fee per concert and do not have a guaranteed seat.
Regular Members (annual fee includes all concerts in the season):
$150 (Adults)
$75 (Seniors and Students)
Occasional/Substitute Members (per concert fee):
$30 (Adults)
$15 (Seniors and Students)
The VPO performs a five concert season. The season runs from early September until the end of May/early June. Concerts occur mostly on Saturday evenings with an occasional Sunday matinée concert. Most concerts take place at Shaughnessy Heights United Church. Occasionally, they will be at other venues throughout metro Vancouver (e.g., Capilano University, UBC Chan Centre).
Rehearsals take place weekly on Wednesdays from 7:30 – 10pm. Dress rehearsals are on Friday evenings before each concert. Rehearsals take place at Shaughnessy Heights United Church, 1550 West 33rd Ave. @ Granville St., Vancouver.
If you have any unanswered questions and want to get in touch, please feel free to email us using the form above, or our email below.