Your financial support contributes to making music accessible to the greater Vancouver community. By donating to the VPO, you help us sustain and expand our programming to include community partnerships as well as educational and performance opportunities for local artists. Large donations may be acknowledged in concert programs and in other forms of advertising, depending on the interest of the donor.
Donations of $20 or more are tax-deductible and can be sent to us online or by mail.
How to Contribute:
Donations via e-transfer can be sent to our email address:
Donations made by credit card can be sent through Canada Helps. Go to the website and search for VPO. They will accept securities as well as monetary donations.
Donations can be sent by cheque to our postal address:
Vancouver Philharmonic Orchestra
P.O. Box 38044
King Edward RPO
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4L9
Here are some examples of how your contribution can help:
$25 Concert ticket subsidized for one audience member from the community.
$50 Replacement bulbs for concert lighting.
$100 Piano tuning for a guest artist performing with the VPO.
$150 Sheet music rental for one performed work.
$250 Printing costs for one concert program.
$350 Audio recording of one VPO concert.
$500 Audience award for VPO’s Concerto Competition for Emerging Artists.
$750 Sponsor a local professional or emerging artist to perform with the VPO.
$1000 Venue rental for one VPO concert.
$2500 Support a co-production between VPO and a community partner organization.
$5000 Sponsor the full production of one VPO concert.